Internet. Serious business.

Our cheez-it supply rarely lasts the week, and I have to force myself to eat the crackers one at a time instead of eight at a time. These cheez-its, they always recall nap time during kindergarten year in Mrs. Shoemaker’s class. That was a good year; about as good as every year. I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad year, but I’m not the type of person to divide my history into emotional categories.

Judging by the frequency of posts here, I’ve either been really busy at itzbig, or given up on writing all together. It’s honestly mostly the former, and some of the latter. I’ve three other blogs that are far more idle than this one, but new habits come gradually (I suppose).

There’s a new release in the works here for us, and (typically) it’s big, real big. As always, there will be significant UI improvements. The other major part might still be considered a corporate secret at this point, but it will be public soon enough so I’ll just bite my tongue for now. Just note that it will be radical, it will be something few others can do, and we might even be the first to actually do it.

In other news, I’ve been doing tech support since I started here, and in all that time I’ve received only three actually disgruntled emails. The third one came in yesterday, and it hurt a little inside. I think I know what the problem was even though the user wouldn’t tell me, and today we fixed it. Little things like that satisfy.

~ by operator2 on March 20, 2008.

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